The NAIS Emergency Support System, command & control services platform for emergency missions management and on-field resources deployment.
Fire Brigade, Law Enforcement, Civil Protection, State Forestry Corps and many others organizations can take advantages in the intervention readiness and decision making process as well as in the efficiency resources allocation.
NESS © is a Command & Control System fully supporting the operative needs of Emergency Services Entities, such as: National Corp of Fire Brigades, Civil Protection, Red Cross, State Forestry Department, and others. NESS © has been developed integrating the most advanced technologies with the operational requirements of the Italian Fire Brigades, a very demanding entity in terms of operational requirements to satisfy their needs. NESS is currently fully operational in the Lazio region, it provides emergency command and control tools, fleet management, real-time positioning of men and vehicles, on-field communication channel supporting multimedia information.
In details NESS © support all on-field operations, including: fleet management, real-time positioning of single unit and equipments, telecommunication, support multimedia information such as: video and raster and vector maps of the soil, road graph, risk maps (fire, hydrology, landslides and other) and isochronous maps.
System main objectives:
- Improve readiness (response time) of the emergency call
- Improving efficiency in the management of intervention and the resources committed
- Provide better tools for decision support with real-time vision of emergency in place and their status
- Integration with current IT procedures of the Corps of Firefighters
- Increase the resources operating time
- Support the operations Supervisor in charge of the Corps of Firefighters
NESS © is a system with SIAE Copyright & Registered Trademark in 2008 © NAIS srl – all rights reserved