NEXTANT Applications & Innovative Solutions – NAIS, established at the end of 2005, is an Italian privately owned company. NAIS is a company in ICT systems located in Rome and Naples, classified as SME according to the European Commission classification (2003/361/EC).
The company’s goal is the development and the proposal in the appropriate market sectors for innovative applications and services based on ICTs trough Satellite Navigation, EO & Communication activities.
NAIS core expertise in the market sectors of Space & Defence plays a strategic role in the development of innovative applications by means of enabling technologies. NAIS completes the whole Technology Transfer Process, passing through R&D Projects and industrialization and commercialization of products.
Its innovative applications and services are already available in the fields of Smart-mobility (solutions for transportation support and information to citizens and tourists), Emergency (mission management and resource planning), Cultural Heritage (safeguard, fruition and prevention), Maritime sector (search & rescue, mission management and access to harbours and docks), Defence (air defence radar systems), Aeronautical sector (2D & 3D Traffic Management systems and flight information systems for General Aviation aircrafts).
All research and innovation activities were carried out with internal capital investments and by taking part in development and innovation programs co-financed by national and international Institutions such as: Italian Space Agency – ASI through SME program, European Structural Fund (FSE & FERS) through National Operational Plan – PON operated by MIUR and MISE; POR through the program ”Insieme per Vincere” operated by Lazio Innova (former Sviluppo Lazio); European Space Agency – ESA; European Commission FP7 and Horizon 2020 research programs for Innovation; Single European Sky ATM Research – SESAR through Demonstration programs of SESAR JU.