Company Profile

NEXTANT Applications & Innovative Solutions – NAIS – is an SME headquarter in Rome, with operational offices in Rome and Naples. Its industrial mission is geared towards the design, development, integration, maintenance and operational management of software, as well as consultancy in software engineering solutions for various market sectors.

NAIS solutions are based on the realization of ICT service platforms, enabled by satellite technologies for Navigation, Earth Observation and Telecommunication, integrated with other technologies in the specific sectors, to Institutional, private and citizen users.

To this end, NAIS invests every year in applied research activities with its own resources and participates in R&I (Research and Innovation) projects co-funded at National and International level, in partnership with other industrial entities, universities and research centers, also in the role of coordinator, and following international standards such as ECSS (European Cooperation for Space Standardization).

The development of ideas into prototypes within the framework of R&D program and, subsequently, into industrial products and services, allows NAIS to get closer to the needs of large customers of strategic interest and complete the technology transfer phase towards the market. This strategy has enabled the Company to finalize five technology transfers to the user market to date.

The NAIS offering portfolio consists of:

1) Enabling technologies and expertise for the development of application infrastructures in both space and ICT-enabled market sectors and Defence

2) Consultancy services, thanks to the knowledge, experience accumulated over several years of operation and skills of the personnel involved.

3) Development services based on an advanced Sw Factory, which has been operating successfully for several years now, enabling our customers to significantly increase the effectiveness of their development activities and scheduling constraints

4) Products and Services (downstream) for market sectors that require innovative application solutions based on the latest ICT technologies.

To date, NAIS boasts the following certifications and qualifications as a guarantee of the professionalism and capacity of the organization and its human capital:

– UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 (EA 33, EA 35) for the quality of business processes and software development;

– Security enabled;

– CE (ECE-ONU Automotive Certification) for the production of HW components for use in the transport environment (Transport & Smart Mobility).

NAIS is also one of the Italian companies authorized to operate in the GALILEO PRS environment.

Expertise in satellite technologies for Navigation (EGNOS / GALILEO), Telecommunications and Earth Observation (COPERNICUS) in synergy with ICT technologies, enables NAIS to develop solutions in application domains such as: Mobility (smart-mobility and info-mobility); Cultural Heritage (transport, monitoring and preservation, fruition); Emergencies and Civil Protection (command and control systems operations and decision support); Defence (weapon simulation systems for personnel training); Aeronautical Transport (ATM and in-flight services for General Aviation, Urban Air Mobility); Marine Transport (access management protected areas).

In the field of technologies applied to critical infrastructures, NAIS has competences and services oriented to both monitoring and preventive safeguard aspects: human-computer interaction techniques and technologies based on virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR); GIS and Web GIS systems; standards for the interoperability of geo-spatial systems (INSPIRE directive, meta-dating standards, OGC standards); Earth Observation data analysis techniques (classification, change detection, interferometry, etc.); GNSS positioning-based systems; wireless communication systems; satellite and terrestrial data communication.); GNSS positioning-based systems; wireless communication systems; satellite and terrestrial data communication.

In the application domain of Critical Infrastructures, particularly for Cultural Heritage, NAIS offers services available through its St’ART® Platform for:

  • the consultation and archiving of material produced as a result of investigations (reports and layers) or for uploading proprietary  material;
  • services for the continuous monitoring and safeguarding of immovable cultural heritage and natural heritage threatened by impact such as: anthropogenic, meteo climatic, geotechnical-structural , Hydro-geological
  • solutions for the preservation and enjoyment of theme parks, historical buildings and museums with IT systems capable of: managing multimedia content for tourist enjoyment with historically certified reconstructions; managing access to sites with accessory services to support visitors, such as location tracking; assistance requests and emergencies; organize and manage “mobile fruitions” and ancillary services for cultural tourism
  • solutions to monitor the integrity of mobile cultural goods (e.g. works of art, paintings etc.) or other ‘sensitive’ assets during transport. The service makes it possible to monitor in real time both the geographical position of the asset, and the physical parameters such as temperature, humidity, brightness and vibrations, detected in the transport crate and the cargo compartment.

A version of this platform is currently being finalized that is suitable for monitoring Critical Infrastructures of various types, and for Asset Management. This version will integrate, in a more consistent manner, data from UAVs, available historical data, and on-site sensor devices.

With regard to the IRIDE national initiative, and in line with the corporate strategy, NAIS, in partnership with important ICT companies, such as Engineering and Cap Gemini, is developing a set of services aimed at the “Local Public Administration”, and a Digital Twin infrastructure that, once completed, will be able to host specific applications in the sectors of interest.

On these same topics, NAIS has activated a participation strategy in the European Destin-E initiative.

Gianfranco Corini


mob +393358072061
uff    +390691139003
fax   +390691139026